Activity Boxes


How many will it occupy

We recommend having 6 people playing each game at once (3 on each team), however you can have up to 12 playing each game at once. We have 2 sets of Kubb so you can have up to 24 people playing at once


See price list.

Da Vinci Bridge

How many will it occupy

Ideal for a group of 4-6 at a time


See price list.

Orienteering Without Compasses

How many will it occupy

This can be used with any size group but does require you to put the plaques in place before hand and mark up a map and collect the up afterwards


See price list.

Giant Games Box

How many will it occupy

We recommend that this box caters for 16 people playing a game simultaneously. This is dependent on the size you make your teams


See price list.

Circus Skills

How many will it occupy

We recommend that this box caters for 20 people. This is dependent on the size you make your teams


See price list.

Outdoor Games Box

How many will it occupy

We recommend that this box caters for up to 16 people. This is dependent on the size you make your teams


See price list.

Frisbee Golf Box

How many will it occupy

We recommend that this box caters for up to 12 people playing at once


See price list.

Parachute Games

How many will it occupy

We recommend that this box caters for up to 24 people


See price list.

Wide Games Box

How many will it occupy

This box can cater for 24+ people


See price list.

Indoor Activities

How many will it occupy

Still being developed so numbers it can accommodate are not yet clear


See price list.

Den Building

How many will it occupy

We recommend that this box caters for up to 24 people


See price list.