Frosty Camp -Better late than never!

So we have 150 scouts and 25 leaders on site for the delayed 21st Frosty camp. Even the 16 burst water pipes in the huts heating system couldn’t stop us. As with every good camp, Hotdogs, hot chocolate and a…

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7th North Leeds Celebrate Bonfire night at Wike

Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and their families had a great night at Wike celebrating bonfire night, good food, good fireworks and as always a good camp fire sing along with our star Alice.

Sunrise at Wike

After a cold night we woke to a stunning sunrise

Campfire oak has a haircut

The grand old oak tree in the campfire circle has had some TLC to ensure its there for many more years to come.

Squirrels at Wike!

26th Meanwood squirrels at Wike having fun Balsam bashing

Fundraising Complete

We have a defib unit onsite thanks to North Leeds Scouts frosty camp.