How many sets of animal tracks do you think would be visible in the snow? No tyre tracks!!!!
7th North Leeds Celebrate Bonfire night at Wike
Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and their families had a great night at Wike celebrating bonfire night, good food, good fireworks and as always a good camp fire sing along with our star Alice.
Mega Mushrooms
Size 11 Adult walking boot for reference!
Anti slip strips fitted to stairs and the play area floor completely rebuilt.
Thank you Engie. As always you have done an excellent job on site today. One set of steps cleared and fitting with anti slip strips and the play area floor completely rebuilt Looking forward to seeing you again soon.
Campfire oak has a haircut
The grand old oak tree in the campfire circle has had some TLC to ensure its there for many more years to come.
Fundraising Complete
We have a defib unit onsite thanks to North Leeds Scouts frosty camp.
Wike as a Wedding Venue
Yes Wike can be used for weddings and private parties.